Thursday, April 7, 2016

America the Beautiful(ly oblivious)

So this past week has been completely uneventful. Life in Peru is starting to get weird is that? So I was productive and finished all my homework for the rest of the semester and scrolled through pinterest for a long time before deciding what to write this week. I decided on America. (It was the topic of part of a paper I recently wrote so it's fresh in my thoughts).

American culture is all over the world. I've talked with my host sister from Oklahoma quite a bit about this because it is actually very surprising to me and I never realized it when I lived in the US. In America, we are consumed by our own culture. English is the unofficially-official language of the country and we will not let anyone forget that. But the thing is, English is an never was America's language. North America began as a refuge for people who were seeking a religious refuge, land to expand and conquer and a new exploration. There was already hundreds of cultures when America was discovered (not by Columbus by the way) who had lived and thrived there for thousands of years. The Native American culture was so rich and deep, and unfortunately often we wash right over it and only include it in the history books when it overlaps with the New England history. I am thankful for taking a dual-credit class in high school about American history before 1865, this is where I read about the ice-age and the beginning of this continent and really got interested in this sort of thing (Thanks Dr./Mr. Haun)! Since the English arrived, it has been about that, I never really learned about the history of the Spaniards (I did a little bit thanks to my Houston education who required a full year of Texas History because Texas is Texas), or the French or any of these other huge colonies that the English eventually overtook. But these cultures are still around in the country.

When I was little I went to Fredericksburg, a little german town in Texas, with my dad and grandparents and it was really cool to see some of the customs preserved. Same when my grandparents and I went to Pella, Iowa a few times to learn about the Dutch. These are some really cool memories that I have of different cultures without leaving America. But so many people are only focused on their day to day lives and don't pay attention to these little pockets so close to where they live.

The "American Culture" is what is known and loved. Our culture permeates throughout the world, reaching people far away that we never realize it affects. Everyone knows our president, our singers, our movie stars. Everyone knows Trump (well they usually ask, "who's that crazy guy running for president" haha) and our politics. That's because we affect the entire world. Living in a country that most people do not speak English, it is surprising how much English is around. People wear shirts with quotes in English on them, maybe not knowing what they actually say (maybe they do though). Most of the movies in the theaters are in English with Spanish subtitles. I cannot count the number of taxis I have gotten in that has old English rock playing or Justin Beiber or Adele. What we do and make is wanted and liked by people all over the world, and Americans like it too. Maybe it was just me and some of my friends, but I was never excited to watch a movie in another language because reading subtitles was just too much. Listening to songs in another language seemed pointless to me because I didn't know what they were saying. But here, and around the world, they do it. They learn other languages, know more than I do (I've met quite a few Peruvians who know at least 3 languages and here I am struggling with my second). They're more in tune with the world than one of the most influential countries of the world. This is sad to me.

We need to appreciate other cultures and countries and learn about them as much as they learn about us. We need to be informed citizens of the world. I am doing my best to better myself in this way, I hope you do too. :)

Alright, rant over :) My mom gets here tonight and I am so excited to see her. 
Side note: I paid to have my feet eaten by fish last Friday and it was the weirdest feeling ever.

Its the feeling of your feet waking up after falling asleep
It's blurry but here we are, being eaten alive

Thanks for coming.
That is all until next week.

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